Blue Cross Blue Shield FEP Dental
Section 3 How You Obtain Care
Section 3 How You Obtain Care
Identification Cards/Enrollment Confirmation
When you enroll for the first time, you will receive a welcome letter along with an identification card ("ID Card") which will serve as confirmation of your enrollment. Each employee will receive 1 set of 2 BCBS FEP Dental ID cards. The ID cards will have the employee's name only on the ID cards. It is important to bring your FEDVIP and FEHB (if applicable) ID cards to every dental appointment because most FEHB plans offer some level of dental benefits separate from your FEDVIP coverage. Presenting both ID cards can ensure prompt payment of the maximum allowable benefits under each Program.
If you require a replacement ID card, you may order a replacement ID card via or you may call 1-855-504-2583. An ID card is neither a guarantee of benefits nor does your provider need it to render dental services. Your dentist may call 1-855-504-2583 to confirm your enrollment and the benefits available to you.
If you require a replacement ID card, you may order a replacement ID card via or you may call 1-855-504-2583. An ID card is neither a guarantee of benefits nor does your provider need it to render dental services. Your dentist may call 1-855-504-2583 to confirm your enrollment and the benefits available to you.